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- /*
- Zoom.c
- 10/17/90 dgp translated from pascal DoWZoom.p in Inside Mac VI.
- 10/18/90 dgp removed part of the code to make GetWindowDevice(), which I put
- in GetScreenDevice.c
- 8/24/91 dgp Made compatible with THINK C 5.0.
- 12/27/91 dgp Extracted code to create TitleBarHeight.c
- 3/26/92 dgp Replaced use of SysEnvirons() by a call to QD8Exists().
- 6/3/94 dgp replaced low-memory global MBarHeight by GetMBarHeight().
- 6/12/94 dgp changed "theEvent" from a global to an argument "event", passed by address.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #include <LowMem.h>
- #else
- #define LMGetMBarHeight() (* (short *) 0x0BAA)
- #define LMSetMBarHeight(MBarHeightValue) ((* (short *) 0x0BAA) = (MBarHeightValue))
- #endif
- void Zoom(WindowPtr theWindow,int zoomDir,EventRecord *event)
- {
- Rect r;
- GDHandle dominantGDevice;
- int headRoom;
- GrafPtr savePort;
- if(TrackBox(theWindow,event->where,zoomDir)){
- GetPort(&savePort);
- SetPort(theWindow);
- EraseRect(&theWindow->portRect); /*recommended for cosmetic reasons*/
- /* If there is the possibility of multiple gDevices, then we */
- /* must check them to make sure we are zooming onto the right */
- /* display device when zooming out. */
- if(zoomDir==inZoomOut && QD8Exists()){
- headRoom=TitleBarHeight(theWindow);
- /* We must create a zoom rectangle manually in this case. */
- /* Account for menu bar height as well, if on main device */
- dominantGDevice=GetWindowDevice(theWindow);
- if(dominantGDevice==GetMainDevice()) headRoom += LMGetMBarHeight();
- r=(*dominantGDevice)->gdRect;
- SetRect(&r,r.left+3,r.top+headRoom+3,r.right-3,r.bottom-3);
- /* Set up the WStateData record for this window. */
- (*((WStateData **)((WindowPeek)theWindow)->dataHandle))->stdState = r;
- }
- ZoomWindow(theWindow,zoomDir,TRUE);
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- }